Wednesday, November 25, 2009

View on 'The Secret'

To be honest, since we all see ourselves as thinkers, let`s think harder to figure out what this secret is all about!

I see the movie, also listen to the audio many times. The more I digest, the more I find it ridiculous.
The ridicule is that they give the old, same, universally accepted principle a different name as 'Law of Attraction' and present it in a very very shallow way.

1) Basic Principle:
The basic principle of so called 'The Secret' or 'Law of Attraction' is, think positively, have positive attitude and be goal-oriented!
There is no such thing as if you think about it, have your mind occupied with it, then you can get it. All those examples that they tell in movie, it seems work as they say, because of the change in those persons` thoughts, their attitudes. Positive thinking brings positive attitude, which in turn will effect your behaviors, your actions dramatically. It is like being happy. When you are happy, everything seems go so smooth and pleasant even it is not. You can`t see it because you are happy, your mind is occupied with the thought that you are happy, so a little trouble can`t change your happy mood.

It is the same. It all depends on how you think, how you see, more importantly, how you interpret it and take actions. It has nothing to do with the attraction. If you get anything that you desired, then it is not that you attract it to yourself, but that your thoughts, your actions bring it to you. It is what you get by working hard, taking actions.

2) The way it presents:
Once you see and realize the basic principle that this crap movie is presenting, you can see the fact that there is *nothing*, really nothing as a valuable context in this movie except the fact many so called 'successful XXXers' in it and many examples of applying this so called 'law of attraction' which only have start and end for the story and the repeat of emphasizing that it all is because they apply the law of attraction.

How a shirt become a lucky shirt? how a number become a lucky number? Because when good things happn, he is wearing that shirt. When you get what you desired, the number somehow related to it. It is pure coincidence, but some of us believe that it is these lucky things that attract the good things.

So, the problem is: is it? if you think it is, then I got nothing to argue, because I can`t persuade a person who embrace this kind of thought.

In a nutshell, really, there is nothing deep and profound in this movie because there is nothing in it!

Well, that`s my opinion obviously!

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