Tuesday, December 29, 2009

End of Year 2009

Isn`t that sad when you look back and can`t remember anything that you did extraordinarily well?

Isn`t that pathetic when you know that you can be brave and make a change to your life while you just played safe and did nothing?

Isn`t that miserable living a life like a walking dead? Which exactly what I am doing now!

I know much more than I think I know. I can do much more than I think I am capable of doing. But out of fucking fear, I, still am standing still. And I fucking hate that!

Why the hell a sense of self-importance is important to each individual, or at least to me?

Because, it can deliver a sense of constant excitement to your brain to make you focus on or dedicated to your work or the thing you do more than ever. It is a source of motivation, a driven energy, drives you closer toward your goals and dreams.

Did you ever feel excited or very satisfied with the compliment from your boss or your colleagues? What do you think you really get from that compliment? Isn`t that the feeling of being appreciated, being valued, the feeling that you know you are important to them? So you should ask, what is wrong with it?

Normally, there is nothing wrong with it except that your sense of importance comes from other people but not from you! you are building your self-worthiness based on others` opinions, but not yours. Simply put, you are dependent on others.

The worst thing about dependency is you are fragile, vulnerable, emotionally controlled by others` weakness. Trust me, as long as you are dependent, you are weak!

People wouldn`t care what kind of life you want or what kind of future you are planning for yourself. No one gives a shit about what you will become and who you will be. So, don`t expect to get the feeling of self-importance from other individuals, that`s pathetic. Evaluate your own importance yourself and tell yourself that you are indispensible. And start act like one, and don`t give a shit about what people think. Do this often, can help you build your self-confidence!

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